Media Business Education

Sales – Marketing – Contracts & law – Finance – Project management

During 2023 we are planning to provide training across this range of subjects. Some of this training will be done live at our event. The remainder will be made available by video-based eLearning to Academy Members.


Create a simple, tranformational one-page marketing plan.

How to build a marketing strategy to launch your media skills and services using MVP (minimal viable product).

Golden rules and digital systems for building up your personal and company brand image.

Essential digital sales lead generation systems and processes.


Professional sales skills – Part 1: how to become a ‘super salesperson’ and win hearts and minds.

Professional sales skills – Part 2: and all the questions you need to ask prospective customers – and why they matter.

Professional Sales Skills – Part 3: Building excellent customer relationships for repeat business – even with difficult customers!

Mastering ‘the killer pitch’ for large projects, grants, and investment


Personal brand and reputation management.

Business communication skills and tips.

How to spot bad customers and how to deal with them.

Defend yourself from people who will ruin you and your business.

Maintaining health & mental strength to grow your career. win, and deliver more business.

Essential negotiating skills.


Why great project management skills are critical to your future success.

What does a good project management system look like?, and how to create it with minimal overhead?

People and stakeholder management using the RACI model.

Agile versus Waterfall projects.

Testing & piloting.

Running successful project management communications and meetings.

Skills for day-to-day management of teams, partners, and collaborators.

The positive and negative impact of industrialization, standardization, and A.I.


Corporate risk management Part 1: Financial, People / HR, I.T Security, Insurance, health & safety.

Corporate risk management Part 2: Pre-production, Filming / Events, Post-production.


Choosing the right legal contractual framework for your media business

Dealing with other parties’ contracts.

How to keep legal costs low.

When & how to use the law, and contracts, to strengthen and shield your business.

Minimising the top legal threats & risks to your business.

Managing and resolving customer and contractual disputes.

Managing compliance.


Choosing a good accountant and accounting system to speeding up and simplifying financial operations.

The art of accurate forecasting.

Building multiple income streams, passive, service and repeat business.

Ways to obtain startup capital, grants, and funding.

How to optimising your earnings and taxable income.

Designing and estimating profitable media creation projects that always exceed customer expectations.

Putting in place financial controls to avoid the biggest killer of small businesses a ‘Cash-flow Nightmare’!

Simplifying credit control and debt collection tactics that work and those that don’t.